Matt Cook Mr. Cook is originally from Wisconsin where he received his degree in Secondary Education in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He moved to Guatemala in 2011 and taught at AIS for the school's first 5 years. In the years since then, he has been leading various international educational and service learning trips as well as working at THINK Global School. Outside of school, he loves to travel, read, and be active in the outdoors.
Fernando Aragon Mr. Fernando has been at AIS since 2014. Originally from Guatemala City, Fernando holds degrees in Chemical Engineering and Pedagogy. He previously taught at the Equity American School and at SEK International School, and has been a cross-curricular Science Activities Coordinator in Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Paraguay.
Lilian Quezel Ajuchan Ms. Liliana is from Sumpango, Sacatepéquez and holds a degree in Language and Literature, and a B.A in Education. Prior to joining AIS, she worked for 9 years at the American Technological School in Guatemala City.
Tamara Kreutz Ms. Kreutz grew up in Oaxaca, Mexico, though her family is originally from Oregon, USA. She has a B.A in English Literature and Writing from George Fox University and a Masters in International Education from SUNY Buffalo. She also holds a National Board Certification. She has taught internationally for twelve years in Honduras, Ecuador, and Panama. Ms. Kreutz is excited to begin teaching at AIS! She loves literature and can’t wait to explore literature with the students here. In her free time, Ms. Kreutz enjoys baking (especially cookies and sourdough bread), running and hiking, camping with her family, and writing poetry.
Gina Tillery, Music Ms. Tillery holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of South Alabama. She previously worked as a teacher (preK-12) for eight years in Guatemala. She also was IT coordinator at Colegio Colonial Bilingue for four years. Before beginning her career in education, she worked in a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Lab exploring the use of technology in music, and performed as an orchestral percussionist and a professional vocalist in the U.S.
Kimberly Griffith Ms. Kim has over 25 years of teaching and has worked at AIS since 2014. She holds a Bachelor of Science Cum Laude in Elementary Education with a minor in Mathematics, from the Bowie State University and a Certificate in Instructional Technology from Towson State University.
Ms. Laura Estrada Although originally from Antigua, Guatemala, I left when I was 14 and spent the latter part of my life between the Caribbean and Canada. I have been involved in the world of teaching and learning since 2005, first as an environmental educator and experiential learning program manager, and then as a classroom teacher since 2014 (with a few breaks in between) sharing my passion for biology, earth and ocean sciences, and experiential outdoor learning in both Newfoundland, Canada and Kazakhstan. Outside of school, I love traveling, taking slow, immersive strolls in green spaces, knitting cozy blankets when the season calls for it, and spending more time with family now that I am once again living in one of the places I call home.
Ms. Liza Woods Having been in the AIS family since 2017 (parent, tutor, volunteer, sub), I'm excited to teach statistics this year. My background is in finance and have always been a math nerd who is enthusiastic, and often cheesy, about numbers; I use games and hands-on activities to teach. I love exploring with my two kids (Liam and Davis), reading, or playing pickleball or tennis.
Mr. Victor Garrido Middle School English Language Arts and Social Studies.
My name is Victor Garrido, I am originally from a small aldea in Rio Hondo Zacapa called Monte Grande. I moved to VA at the age of 4 while the civil war was still happening and came back in 1995 as the peace treaty was being signed. In 2014, after working with NGOs for about 8 years in Antigua, Guatemala, I moved up north to Minnesota with my partner to start a family. We now are a family of 6: myself, Megan (partner), Isaac (8), Simon (5), Benjamin (2) and Bruce (10 year old boxer). I have been working in Saint Paul Public Schools for the past 9 years. I started as an Educational Assistant in the SpEd program in the Spanish Immersion side and then I pursued my career as a Social Studies teacher for grades 5-12.
I have been teaching 8th grade for the past 2 years and am excited to join the AIS team, and be back to the place of eternal spring. I love playing sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball) , any outdoor activities (walks, hikes, runs, biking, riding my moto) and gaming (Fifa, Mario Kart and COD).
Colbee Cunningham Inglés como segundo idioma, expresión oral y debate, Modelo de las Naciones Unidas
Colbee Cunningham se graduó en el Simpson College (Iowa, EE. UU.) en 2023 con una licenciatura en español, relaciones internacionales y periodismo y trabajará con el departamento de ESL en AIS como parte de una beca de Princeton en América Latina. En su capacidad profesional, su pasión radica en el nexo entre el intercambio intercultural, la lingüística y la diplomacia pública. Ha pasado el último año trabajando como profesora de inglés, primero en Colombia como becaria Fulbright y luego en Italia como tutora de ESL. Cuando no está enseñando, le gusta aprender idiomas, viajar, hacer caminatas, levantar pesas, leer y cocinar.
Andrés Hermes Coordinador de Makerspace, Ciencia - Secundaria Andrés Hermes es Ingeniero Mecatrónico de formación y cuenta con amplia experiencia en fabricación digital, emprendimiento y docencia. Está encantado de ser el nuevo Coordinador del Makerspace de AIS. En 2016, cofundó el primer Makerspace de la región, llamado TecLab, ubicado en el Campus Tecnológico en la Zona 4 de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Inicialmente cubría 230 m2 y se enfocaba en el desarrollo de hardware, pero en 2020 TecLab creció a más de 1100 m2 y amplió su oferta para incluir herramientas para el desarrollo de software y biotecnología. Ahora, espera ayudar a desarrollar el movimiento maker en AIS. Además, desde 2019, es profesor en la Universidad Rafael Landívar como parte del departamento de Ingeniería Industrial. Por último, un dato curioso sobre Andrés es que tiene una gran colección de "calcetines divertidos".
Javier Bustamante Mr. Javier has been teaching at AIS since 2012 and is originally from Bilbao in the Basque Country, Spain. He graduated from the Basque University in Communication Science and Social Studies and is a certified teacher for Secondary School. He also completed doctorate courses in the Basque University and is a SSL certified teacher by the London House in the UK. Prior to coming to AIS, Mr. Javier worked in journalism and translation in New York City and worked for several schools and language agencies in London, UK.(Linguaphone, St, George, World Language Consultants). He also worked as a Spanish Teacher (Secondary Education) in Guatemala and Spain.
Georgina Gomez Ms. Georgina has more than 15 years of teaching experience. She was the head of Pedagogy at El Hogar Virgen de la Esperanza. Ms Georgina graduated from Universidad del Valle de Guatemala in History and Social Science and received a Técnico in Innovative Education at the University of Galileo. She also has a special training in Inclusive Education from the University of Haifa, Israel. In her free time she likes to write, and at the moment she is writing about the conditions of girls at risk in Guatemala.
Josh Radick Mr. Josh graduated from Benedictine College in Kansas in 2014 with a degree in Political Science. He then taught in Iraqi Kurdistan until 2016 before coming to AIS until 2018. Josh moved back to the US to pursue a career in business but missed the satisfaction felt from teaching and helping students achieve their maximum potential.
He is excited to return to Guatemala and rejoin the AIS community this school year.
Maria Morley, Art Maria holds a BFA from Michigan State University and a BFA in Education from the Rocky Mtn. College of Art + Design, with a K-12 teacher certification. She also holds a Master's of Fine Art: Sculpture and Ceramics. In her past she worked as Art Teacher at the Colegio Interamericano in Guatemala City and as an Sculpture Technician at the Rocky Mtn. College of Art + Design in Denver, Colorado.
Rosa Allen, PE Ms. Rosa is from Puerto Barrios, Izabal. She holds a B.A. in Sports Management from Galileo University. Before AIS, she taught at a National Institute of Basic Education for 3 years and worked in the General Direction of Physical Education in the National School Sports Tournament Unit (Organization and coordination of sports activities). She also worked as a Coordinator of Special Events Program of the Vice Ministry of Sports and Recreation of Guatemala.
Mr. Jonathan Spee I began teaching in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in 2005, followed by five years in Atlanta, GA, and now the past 7 years in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (with a several-year break in there to stay home with my young children). I've taught science, math, and Spanish, and have enjoyed all of them, discovering along the way that I am happiest when I'm challenged and learning new things. In my free time with my family I am a passionate diy-er who loves baking bread, brewing beer, growing food, playing guitar and writing songs, and doing projects around the house. Here's a pic of me making some pizza in a cob (earth) oven that my brother-in-law and I made a few weeks ago.
Ms. Stephanie Alonso My name is Stephanie Alonso. I am from Guatemala. I have been teaching English for 18 years in the city. I recently moved to Antigua, and I just completed a bachelor's degree program in Technology Education. I have taught 1st to 6th grade, and I am passionate about teaching Language Arts. I have taught elementary school for 4 years and middle school for 2 years at an international school, and I love the curriculum. I am always looking for new ways to innovate in my teaching practice to make learning fun. I am eager to learn new things and meet wonderful people as well. I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, writing, painting, cats, and animal rescue. I look forward to meeting all of you soon!
Michelle Acker Perez Subdirectora de secundaria, Coordinadora de Servicio de Aprendizaje de secundaria
La Sra. Michelle es originaria de California, pero Guatemala ha sido su hogar durante los últimos 14 años. Tiene una licenciatura en inglés de Westmont College y una maestría en educación de la Universidad de California, Santa Bárbara. Tiene una credencial de maestra especialista en educación y ha enseñado en California y Guatemala durante más de una década. Tiene una amplia experiencia apoyando a estudiantes con diferencias de aprendizaje y trabajando con maestros para crear aulas inclusivas. Antes de asumir el papel de subdirectora de secundaria, Michelle enseñó lengua y literatura inglesa en la escuela secundaria en AIS. Fuera de la escuela, ha dirigido viajes de aprendizaje de servicio y programas de intercambio intercultural. Le apasiona ayudar a los estudiantes a involucrarse más en nuestra comunidad local y global y está emocionada de asumir también el papel de coordinadora de aprendizaje de servicio secundario. Cuando no está trabajando, le encanta viajar, probar nuevos restaurantes y nunca rechaza la oportunidad de ir a la playa con su familia.
Jorge Rosales Ciencias - Secundaria Jorge Rosales está entusiasmado por comenzar un nuevo capítulo como profesor de ciencias de secundaria a tiempo completo después de haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar como suplente de matemáticas a largo plazo en AIS. Jorge tiene experiencia en ingeniería industrial y quince años de experiencia en tutoría y enseñanza. Disfruta de la gestión de una amplia variedad de cultivos y del aire fresco en su granja con su esposa Natalia y sus tres hijos: Julián, Martín y Olivia. Está ansioso por compartir su pasión por la educación y la agricultura con los estudiantes de AIS.
Edgar Avila Asistente de enseñanza secundaria Edgar Ávila se une a nuestro equipo como Asistente de Docencia de Secundaria. Edgar tiene una verdadera pasión por la educación y el crecimiento personal. Tiene más de una década de experiencia en diferentes áreas del sector educativo, como logística y orientación estudiantil, y recientemente completó el programa de formación docente (TTC) en AIS, con un enfoque en las artes y las ciencias. Durante dos años consecutivos, colaboró en la realización de ferias de ciencias a vapor, participó en teatro en la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala y capacitó y certificó a estudiantes como colaboradores ambientales. Está emocionado de continuar en el papel de Asistente de Docencia de Secundaria y colaborar con la comunidad de AIS para impulsar un cambio positivo en la educación. Los estudiantes pueden prosperar y alcanzar sus metas.
Kasey Ruano Performing Arts Teacher Miss Kasey has over 15 years of theater experience and is thrilled to start her first year teaching performing arts at AIS. She is passionate about bringing the magic of theater to her students. She holds a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies, though the performing arts have always been her true love. This summer, she had a blast leading a theater camp, reading over 30 books, and exploring beautiful Antigua with her husband (Maiko). La señorita Kasey tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en teatro y está encantada de comenzar su primer año enseñando artes escénicas en AIS. Le apasiona llevar la magia del teatro a sus estudiantes. Tiene una maestría en Estudios Interculturales, aunque las artes escénicas siempre han sido su verdadero amor. Este verano, se divirtió mucho dirigiendo un campamento de teatro, leyendo más de 30 libros y explorando la hermosa Antigua con su esposo (Maiko).
Miguel Oliva Contreras High School Math, Seminario Miguel began his journey in the AIS community in 2013 when he entered 6th grade at the Cortijo campus. He graduated from AIS in 2020. Since then, he has been working and studying until he returned to AIS in January 2023 as a Student Teacher. He graduated with a specialized degree in Mathematics and Physical Sciences in 2024 with the distinction of Magna Cum Laude from Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. He lives by the school's values and demonstrates this by serving others through Rotary International, of which he has been a member since 2015. He is very excited to be part of the teaching team and to openly share everything the school has given him with the new generations. Miguel inició su camino en la comunidad de AIS en el año 2013 cuando ingresó a 6to grado en el campus Cortijo. Se graduó de AIS en el año 2020. Desde entonces ha estado trabajando y estudiando hasta regresar a AIS en enero de 2023 como Maestro en Práctica. Se graduó con una licenciatura en Matemáticas y Ciencias Físicas en el año 2024 con distinción Magna Cum Laude de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. Vive los valores del colegio y lo demuestra sirviendo a los demás a través de Rotary International, del cual es miembro desde el año 2015. Está muy emocionado de ser parte del equipo docente y de compartir abiertamente todo lo que el colegio le ha dado con las nuevas generaciones.